June 13th 2024
This release is packed with improvements and bug fixes. See belowđ
Machines view visualizes the allocation of projects (groups) and spec files on CI machines, using a single SVG pane with a unified timeline.
Selecting a particular machine shows the spec files that ran on the selected machine and execution details:
Spin-up time (1) - time it took the machine to start reporting results
Active time (2) - time it took the machine to run its specs
Pin and unpin spec files for more convenient triaging.
Run Errors tab show failed and flaky tests grouped by error message. Failure and test details show up inline, so you can troubleshoot issues without extra navigation steps.
When browsing failed or flaky tests, we show a warning if we find that the test failed because of a similar reason on other branches and runs.
You can export data from the dashboard JSON format, in addition to already supported CSV
Customize Run title for run created via GitHub Pull Request in project settings - use commit message or PR title
Supporting up to 98 nested steps in Live Results
Opening a deleted run shows user-friendly error message
Currents will updating GitHub comment for a successful run with new data even if Failed Only
setting is enabled
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